We've partnered up with titleist in 2023 to give YOU the chance to be fitted with their latest club range in our stores.

Here's your opportunity to try the latest golf clubs and equipment to add to your bag. Tech specialists will be at hand to guide you through their full range and advise you on what clubs are most suitable for you.

The fitters will find the most suitable head and shaft models for your swing before customising the loft, lie, weight, balance, and grip.

Titleist Fitting Days

We've partnered up with Titleist in 2023 to give YOU the chance to be fitted with their latest club range in our stores.

Titleist Golf Club Fitting

Date Day Store Brand Time
04/08/2023 Friday American Golf Trafford Titleist 3PM-7PM
18/08/2023 Friday American Golf 3 Hammers Golf Complex Titleist 11AM-7PM
21/08/2023 Monday American Golf East Kilbride Titleist 3PM-7PM
22/08/2023 Tuesday American Golf Braid Hills Titleist 3PM-7PM
22/08/2023 Tuesday American Golf plymouth Elburton Titleist 3PM-7PM
23/08/2023 Wednesday American Golf 3 Hammers Golf Complex Titleist 11AM-4PM
12/09/2023 Tuesday American Golf Hemingford Abbots Titleist 3PM-7PM
13/09/2023 Wednesday American Golf Greenwich Titleist 3PM-7PM
14/09/2023 Thursday American Golf New Malden Titleist 3PM-7PM

Here's your opportunity to try out the latest Scotty Cameron putter & TSR range! Titleist tech specialists will be at hand to guide you through their full range and advise you on what clubs are most suitable for you.

The fitters will find the most suitable head and shaft models for your swing before customising the loft, lie, weight, balance and grip.

Check out everything Titleist has to offer at American Golf