When Odyssey introduced the Ten shape a few years ago, it immediately became a popular choice on Tour and with golfers who wanted to putt with more confidence. This proven head design puts an emphasis on alignment and high MOI, and Odyssey have improved on those two key performance features dramatically.

The new Odyssey Ten lineup showcases exceptional alignment systems, including 2-Ball and Triple Track in a head construction that’s sleeker and more forgiving. In fact, this is the best 2-Ball that they've ever made, with a profile that allows you to frame the ball at address like never before.

Along with all of these great head shape options, Odyssey are introducing a new version of the Tour proven, multi-material Stroke Lab shaft. It’s lighter, stiffer and even more stable to promote better tempo and more consistency in your stroke. To complete the design, our Microhinge Star Insert is engineered for improved forward roll. The shape of your putter matters, and that’s why Odyssey are bringing out these incredible new Tens.

Features & Benefits
Our Most Exciting Head Shapes
Odyssey have enhanced The Ten shape that’s incredibly popular on Tour and with golfers. It’s sleeker, more forgiving, and now you can choose from impressive options in our 2-Ball or Triple Track to help improve your alignment. This is their best 2-Ball model ever, and these features are engineered to help you frame the ball at address with your intended line.
New Stroke Lab Shaft
Odyssey took their proprietary major-winning, multi-material Stroke Lab shaft and made it even better. This new shaft is seven grams lighter overall, it’s stiffer, and it’s more stable to enhance the tempo and consistency in your putting stroke.
Microhinge Star Insert
This high-performance insert is packed with Microhinge technology, promoting immediate forward roll for improved speed and control.